Frequently Asked Questions

What do the dues pay for?

Dues are $30 monthly with a one-time joining fee of $45.

The dues pay for our website, where each member is given a directory entry with a link to members’ individual sites.

Each member receives a professional business card holder that is used for the promotion of their business. The card holder is located on the 2nd floor reception area of the Gateway Centre Executive Suites.

Material costs are limited, such as printing business cards, our P.O. box and a few other items. 

We direct a portion of our dues to our local charitable giving program.

How can I apply to join?

You may get a membership application at a meeting, or complete the one on our website. 

Once you’ve determined if your industry is not already represented in our group, please complete the application and email or mail it to the Director. 

If your proposed business category/ industry might possibly interfere or overlap with an existing member’s category, that member will be asked to review your application, and will have the right to block, your membership request.

If a conflict arises, we may also contact you to discuss possible modification or limitation of your category. In order to simplify the process, it’s important to clearly name your business category. For example, “Marketing” is too vague, while “email marketing” is more specific.

How will my application be processed?

The Director will check your business references and evaluate if your proposed business category/ industry interferes or overlaps with an existing member’s category.

Your application is then discussed, typically at the next business meeting (you are asked to refrain from attending).

Finally, the Director will notify you regarding the status of your application.

We are looking for professionals who want to build and improve their businesses, and prospective members must have evidence of business experience and success to qualify as a member. 

Any business that requires licensing or professional accreditations to operate must be in compliance.

Can I attend just to promote my workshop/event/product without intending to join?

Maybe – please check with the Director to see if your event or product is something that might infringe on the business category of a current member. If it does not, we certainly welcome your visit.

You can direct your question to

How often can I attend without joining?

Visitors are welcome to attend two meetings prior to making a choice to apply for membership. Only members may attend regularly.

What is the Charitable Giving Program and how can I apply for funding?

The focus of the Whatcom Women’s Network Charitable Giving Program is to fund local programs that benefit women and children. The grants are modest, and have been made periodically since 2007 by agreement of the group subject to availability of funds.

At present, there is no formal process for soliciting applications.

Can I bring my kids to the meetings?

Babes in arms are welcomed, however, to help minimize disruptions, we ask members to step out of the room when babies become fussy. Otherwise, visitors and members are requested to make childcare arrangements, as this is intended to be a business-focused meeting and a chance to socialize with other business professionals.


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